Archive for the ‘Photos’ Category

Notebook – p3

Tuesday, August 9th, 2011

Battle of Los Angeles



foo birds3


It isn’t enough that you have seen them, Sir. Surely that is obvious. And isn’t it awful how they treat their old people? I have heard that his father collected blown glass penguins during World War II.

Gutless splitters, I will keep my watch

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2011


Artibeus fimbriatus

Monday, July 25th, 2011

Artibeus fimbriatus (Large)

Bad Omens

Wednesday, July 20th, 2011

Bad Omen

Notebook – p2

Monday, July 18th, 2011


Thomas Wilmer Dewing - The Recitation 1891

Thomas Wilmer Dewing, Summer, 1890

The floor had not been swept. The cobwebs not removed. Even the nails that had held the rough timber boards in place across the threshold had not been levered out of the crumbling door frame when the planks had been hastily removed that morning. Amelia had snagged her long blue dress on one as she made her way through and everyone could see the weeping razor wounds that ran in perfect crimson lines down each of her thighs.

The coquettish whore revealed her hollow bones

Friday, July 15th, 2011

008c (Large)

Avian Listening Post

Friday, July 8th, 2011


Notebook – p1

Tuesday, July 5th, 2011

img482 (found somehwere online)



The scene was so unreal I could barely believe it: two tired, frightened young men sitting in a hole beside a machine gun in the rain on a ridge, surrounded with mud – nothing but stinking mud, with so much decaying human flesh buried or half buried in it that there were big patches of wriggling fat maggots marking the spots where Japanese corpses lay – looking at the picture of a beautiful seminude girl. She was a pearl in a mudhole.

Viewing that picture made me realize with a shock that I had gradually come to doubt that there really was a place in the world where there were no explosions and people weren’t bleeding, suffering, dying, or rotting in the mud.

E.B. Sledge – With The Old Breed at Peleliu and Okinawa.


We fully expect some of the comet particles to be older than the sun.
Donald Brownlee

Still Life In Toilet With Pigeon Emblazoned Bag

Friday, July 1st, 2011

Still Life with Pigeon on Bag

Can you imagine how bored I was on the day I did this?

It wasn’t even my pigeon food.

If Hirst did something similar he’d make millions.

Also, that’s the pattern on the floor tiles, not dried piss.

Though if Hirst had done this, it would be piss.

Maybe that’s the secret.


Heroes In a Half Shell

Thursday, June 23rd, 2011

Spotted in the wild.

Dublin 007d

Dublin 011d

Dublin 018d

Stamen Smears

Saturday, June 11th, 2011


Holga 135BC, Kodak Elitechrome 100, Cross processed.

Messrs. Kearley & Tonge

Friday, June 10th, 2011

Mitre Square looking toward Mitre Street, 1925 (photograph by William Whiffin).After the last of the murders, an article appeared in the newspaper of W. T. Stead, the Pall Mall Gazette, by Tau Tria Delta, [D’Onston] who offered a solution for the motive of the murders. It stated that in one of the grimoires of the Middle Ages, an account was given of a process by which a sorcerer could attain “the supreme black magical power” by following out a course of action identical with that of Jack the Ripper; certain lesser powers were granted to him spontaneously during the course of the proceedings. After the third murder, if memory serves, the assassin obtained on the spot the gift of invisibility, because in the third or fourth murder, a constable on duty saw a man and a woman go into a cul-de-sac. At the end there were the great gates of a factory, but at the sides no doorways or even windows. The constable, becoming suspicious, watched the entry to the gateway, and hearing screams, rushed in. He found the woman, mutilated, but still living; as he ran up, he flashed his bullseye in every direction; and he was absolutely certain that no other person was present. And there was no cover under the archway for so much as a rat.


Mitre Square, Lloyd's Weekly News, 7 October 1888.Miller's Court, photo by Leonard Matters, 1928MKelly alt angle

HCopMJ (Medium)

No Christmas For Bambi

Wednesday, April 20th, 2011

Maulin, War Hill, Djouce 014a

Triangulation Station

Sunday, March 27th, 2011

Croaghanmoira (664 meters).


A Frontier to Knowledge:

Barrister at Law

Sunday, March 13th, 2011

Mount Jerome Cemetery. Dublin.



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