Archive for the ‘Writing’ Category

Now available – Aleister Crowley: Wandering the Waste

Friday, June 7th, 2013

Finally, it’s out there.


Diamond Comic Distributors refused to distribute it so getting it onto shelves hasn’t been easy. The book is currently available in physical form from these outlets…

A limited bookplate edition is available from Weiser Antiquarian Books. Limited to 111 copies, bookplates signed by the author Martin Hayes, the artist RH Stewart, and Crowley biographer Richard Kaczynski, who kindly provided the foreword. **8th June Update: The Weiser special edition has sold out.**

Also available…

Direct from the publisher
Direct from the author, signed and dedicated upon request
From the US printer via
From the UK printer via
The Atlantis Bookshop in London (included with each copy is a postcard signed by the author)

Available digitally at…

Kindle store USUK

Project Luna: 1947 – Diamond order code and whatnot

Tuesday, May 7th, 2013

I am told that Project Luna: 1947 is listed in the May issue of Previews.

The Diamond order code is MAY13 0753. If you were to bring that number to your friendly neighbourhood comic retailer she could order you a copy. We should all do that. Yeah! Lets! The 88 page + bonus material pulp science-fiction trade paperback will breach earth orbit on July 1st.

It’s still available for pre-order on

There’s an interview with me and Jim Boswell on the Markosia website. Click here to open the pdf.


Project Luna: 1947 limited edition hardcover now available

Wednesday, March 20th, 2013

The Project Luna: 1947 trade paperback won’t be released until July 1st but I hear that the publisher still has a few copies of the very limited LSCC hardcover edition in stock at their fortified storage bunker.

Jim Boswell and I are really happy with how this edition came out – it’s a thing of beauty. Jim’s artwork looks truly superb. The crappy jpeg below doesn’t do it justice.

Usual price is £15 + p&p. But Markosia have just begun a week-long special offer of £13 with free UK p&p.

Full colour. 96 pages including bonus material: sketches, script pages and things of that ilk.

Project Luna: 1947  will almost certainly never be available as a hardcover again.

Project Luna 1947 - cover - Martin Hayes, Jim Boswell

Buy Earth Bonds

Monday, January 7th, 2013

Gears are slowly creaking into life for the launch of Project Luna: 1947 at LSCC next month.

Luna poster Matt Soffe

Matt Soffe kindly produced this thoroughly brilliant poster for us. It’ll be included in the book’s bonus material. Matt blogged about creating the poster here.

A limited edition hardcover will be available at LSCC. Written by me, with art, letters and colours by Jim Boswell. 88 pages plus extras (script-to-art samples, sketches and whatnot). I’ll be there on the Saturday at the Markosia booth should you want a copy defaced with my signature.

A trade paperback release will follow through the usual channels.


Norman knew

Tuesday, September 11th, 2012

Psycho Robert Bloch Crowley

In other news: looks like I’ve secured an artist and publisher for a short graphic novel. It’ll probably end up coming in at around 55 pages. Grey-scale I think, maybe some letratone effects. Hopefully out towards the back end of summer 2013.

More info as things solidify.

Crowley Lives!

Friday, July 6th, 2012

It makes me immensely happy to report that my old pal and cohort Roy Huteson Stewart has recommenced work on our graphic novel Aleister Crowley: Wandering the Waste. Contracts have been signed with Markosia and it’s all systems go. All we need to do now is finish the bloody thing.

The road has not been easy but at last it looks as though we’ll see this book on shelves before we’re all dead and rotting in the ground. It’s nearly two years since Crowley was supposed to be completed and published. It seems longer that that, since the original publisher collapsed in a wholly avoidable and bile-filled fashion, since my first trip to a lawyer’s office, since the long and tedious exchange of emails with a worm masquerading as a man. But that’s all in the past. And we’re back on track. And we will finish this awful cloying bastard of a book.

If all goes to plan Crowley will launch at 2013’s Kapow! comic convention in London.

A little about the format of the book: we’re talking 100 pages of actual comic, with each chapter being preceded by a page of relevant quotes from Crowley and his contemporaries. A 17,000 word appendix to the chapters will also be included. Expect it to be about 144 pages all in.

So, it’s all back on track. All systems go. Thanks must go to Roy for sticking with the project during it’s scrap-heap years. And to Paul McLaren for continuing his lettering work even when the book was without a publisher. And to Martin Conaghan and Nic Wilkinson and Alasdair Duncan, for their support at the beginning and throughout.

I received these unlettered pages from Roy just this week. They’re from a short five page interlude which comes between chapters three and four. Just a little walk in the snow-covered grounds of Netherwood. An easy, ambling lull to decompress after an information-heavy chapter three.

001-crowley-interlude (Large)

002-crowley-interlude (Large)

003-crowley-interlude (Large)

I especially like what Roy has done on the page above. The sun coming out on Crowley. How very appropriate.

Overload launches at Kapow!

Wednesday, May 16th, 2012

Look below for further proof that Margaret Thatcher is an evil, rotting carcass of a woman. Bereft of soul, bereft of empathy and heart and emotion; naught but a gluttonous, feeding machine eager to devour the hopes and dreams and flesh of the electorate.

Overload #1 Cover

Seriously though, that is an incredible cover by Graeme Neil Reid.

Overload is edited by Martin Conaghan. He’ll be reviewing portfolios at the Kapow! convention on Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th of May. 1pm both days at table 34. Potential contributors, both writers and artists, should drop by.

You can view a small preview here.

Lots of good names in issue one, and me. I was lucky enough to team up with Graeme Howard for a six pager called Staring Into The Eye Of A Blackbird, You Can See The Things He Likes And The Things He Doesn’t. Surely the longest and most convoluted title to ever be mentioned on Bleeding Cool.

Here’s a little peek at one panel . . .

Blackbird p4 crop1

Paul McLaren did the lettering.

Lovely stark artwork from Graeme Howard.

Graeme and myself are currently working on something that will hopefully turn into a three issue mini-series. We’ll be sending it out to the usual suspects soon.

In the mean time, beware Zombie Thatcher.

The Obsolete Man

Saturday, April 28th, 2012

Laid off from the shipyard. No work. No more boats for the time being. It will, at least, be nice not to have bloodshot eyes for a while.



My story Get It Down (which appeared in Innsmouth Magazine #6) was included in the Honourable Mention List for Ellen Datlow’s Best Horror of the Year Volume 4. Link.

Nice to know that she read it, never mind liked it.



Been trawling youtube looking at Harlan Ellison videos. Lots of people really hate Harlan, but I think he’s funny as hell. In this vid he shows off his sprawling comic collection. The actual storage archive is almost as impressive as the comics themselves.

New story in FLURB #13

Friday, March 23rd, 2012

Rudy Rucker just released the latest issue of his webzine Flurb. Thirteen new weird stories, including one by me called A Bigger Piece of Nothing. You can read it here.

It didn’t used to be called that. It used to be called something much worse. And the original ending was, thinking back on it, awful. But Rudy set me on the right path and I rewrote the thing and now it’s much better. Thanks Rudy!


Coming soon, the announcement says

Monday, December 5th, 2011

Project Luna: 1947. My collaboration with the infinitely talented Jim Boswell.

Look at that cover!


88 pages of retro pulpy science fiction goodness. Out from Markosia in 2012. Here’s to hoping those Mayan bastards were wrong!

New story in Flurb #12

Tuesday, September 6th, 2011

I’ve got a story called Concerning Tavia in the latest issue of Rudy Rucker‘s mighty webzine FLURB.

It was rejected  by an editor once for being “too romantic.” Which was not something I ever expected anyone to say about a story of mine.

And if that hasn’t put you off then click here to read.

New story from Bruce Sterling too!


Immune System Response

Friday, August 12th, 2011

I recently submitted a short story to the science journal Nature. It would have been my fifth story to appear in the magazine (my fourth will be appearing in the Futures section of an upcoming issue). I knew the story was a little odd and that acceptance for publication was a long shot, and, indeed, it wasn’t to be. But I did enjoy and appreciate the response from editor Henry Gee.

Dear Martin – I loved ‘Immune System Response’ and agree with every word of it. Unfortunately it’s less a story than a cry of inchoate rage, so probably isn’t for Futures. I like cries of inchoate rage, though, and look forward to seeing it on your blog.

A more diligent and assiduous writer would no doubt rework the story, make it better, make the inchoate choate, and try to sell it to another magazine. But it’s been a long, grey, dreary summer and I honestly haven’t got the energy for any of that. So, here you go.

Immune System Response

By Martin Hayes

It began in London at 9.42am during an Agony Aunt segment on a mid-morning television call-in show. A worried mother had just phoned in to ask for advice about her sixteen-year-old daughter who wanted a breast enlargement operation for her next birthday – all the girl’s heroes from magazines and tv seemed to have had one. There was a stirring in the audience, subtle at first, murmurings, people shifting uneasily in their seats. Call it a rush of blood to the head, or just the unexpected realisation of how utterly deplorable and bereft of hope their culture, their society, had become – suddenly a large section of the audience stood up en masse and began to forcibly rip their seats from the floor. Muscles strained and eyeballs bulged as the plastic seats were torn from their steel brackets. The concrete steps crumbled as rawlbolts were ripped out. The audience then hurled the seats at the presenters and guests, killing one and injuring three. By 10.10am there were reports on the news channels calling it an outbreak of mass hysteria and/or a possible terrorist attack.

The next recorded incident took place at 10.33am at a race track in Wilthsire. Three presenters from a popular motoring show were racing their wackily inappropriate cars around the loop when a crowd of approximately 350 people broke down the chain link fence that surrounded the property and crowded onto the tarmac. The wacky presenters had no choice but to stop their cars. They were dragged from their vehicles, bound and gagged, tarred and feathered, gutted and garrotted, and left to rot like the dogs they were on the waste ground in the middle of the track. Before he was gagged, the biggest one cried and pleaded with the crowd that he wasn’t really like that, that it had all been just an act, he did actually recycle and he was worried about the environment, he just said that he wasn’t for money and the applause of idiots. The smallest one, a coward in his heart, had tried to bargain with the crowd – if they would only let him go, he would help them to kill and torture the other two. The medium sized one just looked resigned to his fate. He seemed grateful, if anything.

Just after midday a fifty-two year old man whose daughter was missing, a presumed victim of a serial rapist and killer, was door-stepped by a reporter from a low-end tabloid. She asked the grieving father how he felt and if there was any comment he would like to make and she looked utterly surprised when he punched her in the face. Neighbours, cheering, spilled from their doorways as she fell into the flowerbed that separated the driveway from the crazy paving path. Seven of them clambered over walls and hedges and they carried the reporter to the end of the street where they threw her into a skip. They bludgeoned her to death with stray pieces of building waste before burying her under a large mound of household detritus.

At 2.14pm in London, an ex-glamour model was proudly signing copies of a novel which she had not written. The bookstore’s large front window shattered as she was shot in the throat by a forty year old man with a hunting rifle from a rooftop across the street.

At just before 3pm the über-bland presenter of a popular televised singing contest was accosted by a group of pensioners who set about kicking and punching him. A helicopter news crew caught the altercation on camera as the enraged septuagenarians were heard to shout, “Who is this charmless man? Why is he always in our living room?”

At 3.34pm, just as a press conference began in the PR suite of a league-winning football team, a reporter slowly began rocking back and forth with his head in his hands. He took a deep breath and knelt down; unable to listen to anymore dull-witted, borderline-incomprehensible witterings, he untied his right shoe and leapt across the table where he began to batter the overpaid and undereducated player’s large potato-shaped head in. A feral look of instinctive fear flashed across the simian faces of the other players. They tried to work out what was happening but their brains could not hold onto the thought for long enough to fathom it out, so full were they of petty racism, misogyny and greed.

And so it went for eleven more days, all across the globe, and it did not stop until every awful one of them was gone – the uninformed but opinionated, the toadying, the racists and the dumbers down, the selfish, the self-entitled, the utterly untalented, the greedy and the mawkish and the proudly ignorant. If you feed people a diet of shit washed down with piss, they’ll develop a taste for it, they’ll want nothing more. If you nourish them with beauty and sincerity, with genuine emotion and truth, they’ll soon strive to emulate those qualities.

It was as if the species had suddenly realised that it would never advance, never progress, if this infection was not combated. And rather than let it fester, nature deemed it better to cut out the putrid meat and cauterize the wound. The entire species had undergone a planet-wide immune system response against a virulent and insidious contagion.

And on the morning of the thirteenth day, the world was a slightly better place.

The end

© Martin Hayes 2011


This is the bio, which would have followed the story . . .

Martin Hayes hates your stinking culture. Kirby is King. Ditko rules, OK? Bring back Bagpuss. And Children of the Stones. Ted Chippington spoke the truth. Ballard for Dead President. Machen for Mayor.

Forthcoming, sooner or later, hopefully before we’re all dead in our beds.

Sunday, July 3rd, 2011

Someday, Somewhere – short story in an upcoming issue of Nature.

Staring Into The Eye Of A Blackbird, You Can See The Things He Likes And The Things He Doesn’t – six pager in a currently beyond top secret and therefore unnameable anthology comic.

Get It Down

Wednesday, March 23rd, 2011

I’ve got a new story called Get It Down in issue six of Innsmouth Free Press. Glad to see this story finally creep into the daylight. The first editor I sent it to passed on it while stating that it was “frankly, mad.”

Which is fair enough really.

Click here to download the full issue as a PDF. Very nice cover by Jason Juta.



Monday, November 8th, 2010

I changed the blog header a little while ago. My friend and cohort Roy Huteson Stewart very kindly let me use a cropped image from his superb artwork for our forthcoming Aleister Crowley graphic novel, Crowley: Wandering the Waste.

Page 43 to be exact. Roy’s pages are things of rare beauty and insight.

043~Crowley wandering the waste

Copyright © 2025 Martin Hayes – All Rights Reserved.