Posts Tagged ‘Reviews’

Review of Aleister Crowley: Wandering the Waste

Saturday, June 7th, 2014

A lengthy and very positive review of my Crowley book appears in issue two of The Green Book, a superbly interesting journal published by The Swan River Press.  Well worth checking out.

Crowley review Green Book

First review of Get It Down

Monday, November 25th, 2013

David Longhorn has posted a nice review of my just-released short story collection Get It Down and Other Weird Stories on the Supernatural Tales blog.

This is, I think, a pretty impressive collection of stories, most of which pack a lot into very few words. Strong stuff, interesting stuff, and above all promising stuff from a writer with the ability to surprise.


Click here for book and ordering details.

Couple of new reviews this week

Thursday, October 24th, 2013


Two new reviews of Aleister Crowley: Wandering the Waste this week.

The ending really is something quite interesting and special, Hayes and Stewart finding a really involving, and yes, a magical way to end their tale, to end Crowley’s life. But the thing the graphic novel leaves us with, as it should, is that Crowley’s desire to transcend death, and to live in the imagination and the memory of the world, was accomplished. Death took the man, but his legacy lives on.

Richard Bruton on the Forbidden Planet blog.


The impressionistic style often bleeds over into the real world scenes, kind of like how the world of magic often comes into the everyday life of Crowley. I enjoyed both styles but I particularly enjoyed the “Interlude” chapter which was entirely in the first style and was a nice change of pace and break from the often haunting imagery of the impressionist style. Overall, I really enjoyed this book.

David Ferguson on Irish Comic News

Crécy Review

Tuesday, September 30th, 2008

I wrote a short review of Warren Ellis’s graphic novella, Crécy, for GeekPlanet.

Hellboy Library Edition

Sunday, August 17th, 2008

Short review for GeekPlanet.

SFX review

Tuesday, June 10th, 2008

SFX reviewed issue 3 of Murky Depths. Nice to see Shit New World getting a mention.

sfx MD review

Not sure why they called it a fanzine though.

“Hayes writes an amusing short-short.”

Monday, April 14th, 2008

So says Sam Tomaino in his review of my short story Shit New World (Murky Depths Issue Three) over on SFRevu.

Much better than Michelle Lee’s review on The Fix in which she says, “. . . the tale itself is little more than a long complaint.”

Well, it is called Shit New World after all, that was kind of the point of the story, and it’s barely 500 words so it can’t be that long.

So then, one good review, one bad. I’m torn between having a celebratory drink or doing a Stephen Fry on it – hopping on a ferry and pissing off to Belgium in a huff.

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