Artbots 2008
Saturday, September 20th, 2008Went along to the Artbots exhibition at Trinity’s Science Gallery yesterday and thoroughly enjoyed it. There were fifteen works in all. Took a couple of snaps on my phone’s crappy camera.
Pictured below is What It Is Without the Hand That Wields It by Riley Harmon. I really liked the idea behind this one.
When players shoot each other in a live on-line game of Counter-strike, the valves release a dribble of fake blood. You can just see the Counter-strike screen projected onto the wall at the left of the photo.
My favourite work of the show was this, Untitled by Chris Kaczmarek.
Four solar panels send power to capacitors which then dump the energy into small motors causing the eggs to pull apart, when the power is spent they spring back together producing an unexpectedly loud and intensely satisfying clicking noise.